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Algae Extract

The strongest vegetative aggregate, elongation and branching of all crops in just four days of spraying and 10 days of fertilizing by fully feeding the plant and building a strong throne for stronger flowering and a more abundant crop ..

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Product Composition

The natural algae ore is 100% free of any hormones or chemicals according to the highest quality standards to encourage vegetable growth in various agricultural crops rich in proteins, amino acids, vitamins, and antioxidants. It also supplies the plant with the major and micronutrients necessary for growth and activates natural plant hormones.

How Bio-algae-pro works

Improves the vegetative growth

Bio-Algae Pro contains a high percentage of protein and nitrogen, which are the basis of vegetative growth and leaf formation in plants.

Provides plant with nutrients

Spirulina algae is a rich source of primary and secondary macronutrients, as well as micronutrients to support plant growth.

Increases the number of branches

This is through its role in activating natural phytohormones such as cytokines that increase the number of branches to obtain abundant production.

Enhances cell growth and their elongation

Because Spirulina algae contains growth stimulants such as alginic acid and mannitol, in addition to phytohormones that effectively stimulate cell growth.

زيادة خصوبة التربة

Enhances the efficiency of photosynthesis

Because spirulina contains a high percentage of nitrogen, which is involved in the formation of chlorophyll, which is responsible for the green color in the plant, encourages photosynthesis and delays the plant’s entry into the aging stage.

Improves soil fertility and productivity

Because it contains a group of enzymes that increase the availability of the nutrients present in the soil in a form that is easy for the plant to absorb, it also increases the number of beneficial bacteria present in the soil if used as fertilization.

Increases plant resistance to diseases

As it works to activate phenols in the plant, which increase the plant’s resistance to diseases. It is also rich in antioxidants that increase the plant’s resistance to various stresses such as heat or frost waves.


Bio-algae-pro is used in the vegetative growth stage

Features & Benefits

Available Units

25 Liter

5 Liter

Dosage & Method of Use

تقليل ملوحة التربة

Foliar spray

At the concentration of 2.5 cm/L water

Drip irrigation

2 litres per Feddan

Flood irrigation

1.5 litres per Feddan

Customers Feedback


Bio-algae-pro FAQ

There's no difference in the end result, but the spray is faster.
Maybe, but it's better to use each product alone.
Marine spirulina can withstand salinization, but see what salt causes: salt in the ground.
Doesn't reduce manure, chemical and organic, but gradually the range varies according to the degree of soil fertility.
It's a natural ore 100% free of any industrial hormones or chemicals, but it contains natural vegetarian hormones and stimulates them in plants.

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